Welcome to the webinfo of the Staff Council of Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle. Here you will find an overview of what the Staff Council does, who it represents and how or where you can contact the Staff Council.
Staff Council
Burg Giebichenstein Staff Council#
The Staff Council is newly elected every five years and is currently composed of seven members. The work of the Staff Council is regulated by the Saxony-Anhalt State Staff Representation Act (PersVG LSA) in the version published on March 16, 2004. All employed members of the university, including all student employees, can get advice by the Staff Council. We monitor compliance with collective bargaining agreements, laws and service agreements and can represent you in this context vis-à-vis the university management, the immediate management staff and colleagues.
If there are conflicts, questions, hints or suggestions - we are happy to advise, help and support you! All discussions are confidential and are subject to the obligation of secrecy in accordance with §10 of the Saxony-Anhalt State Personnel Representation Act.
Since we do the work of the staff council in addition to our actual work here at the company, there are no fixed office hours. However, you can visit us at any time at our personal workplaces or contact us by email ed.ellah-grub@rp. We will answer all your inquiries and messages as soon as possible.
In order to exercise the rights of employees, the legislator has given the staff councils certain rights of co-determination, participation and consultation in the State Staff Representation Act.
The most important tasks of the staff council include monitoring:
- of the applicable laws and ordinances,
- collective bargaining agreements,
- service agreements and other provisions that grant employees rights, as well as
- receiving and forwarding suggestions and complaints from employees.
In addition, the Staff Council has co-determination, participation and consultation rights with respect to numerous measures taken by the department:
- Hiring and grouping
- Not only temporary transfer of an activity that corresponds to the job characteristics of a higher or lower remuneration or wage group
- Groupings
- Transfers
- Reassignments
- Terminations
- Amendment of the employment contract
- Ancillary agreements to the employment contract
- Refusal or revocation of secondary employment
- Continued employment beyond the age limit
- Planning, design and modification of workplaces and work organization
- Determination of work content and scope of work
- Modification of job descriptions
- Working time regulations
- Establishment of vacation schedules (determination of the timing of recreational leave if no agreement is reached between the parties involved)
- Measures for the prevention of service and work accidents, occupational diseases and other damage to health
Für die Wahrnehmung der Arbeitnehmer*innenrechte hat der Gesetzgeber den Personalräten bestimmte Mitbestimmungs-, Mitwirkungs- und Anhörungsrechte im Landespersonalvertretungsgesetz an die Hand gegeben.
Zu den wichtigsten Aufgaben des Personalrats gehören die Überwachung:
- der geltenden Gesetze und Verordnungen,
- der Tarifverträge,
- der Dienstvereinbarungen und anderer Bestimmungen, die den Arbeitnehmer*innen Rechte einräumen sowie
- Anregungen und Beschwerden von Beschäftigten entgegennehmen und weiterleiten
Darüber hinaus hat der Personalrat Mitbestimmungs-, Mitwirkungs- und Anhörungsrechte bei zahlreichen Maßnahmen der Dienststelle:
- Einstellungen und Eingruppierung
- Nicht nur vorübergehende Übertragung einer Tätigkeit, die den Tätigkeitsmerkmalen einer höheren oder niedrigeren Vergütung oder Lohngruppe entspricht
- Eingruppierungen
- Versetzungen
- Umsetzungen
- Kündigungen
- Änderung des Arbeitsvertrages
- Nebenabreden zum Arbeitsvertrag
- Versagung oder Widerruf von Nebentätigkeit
- Weiterbeschäftigung über die Altersgrenze hinaus
- Planung, Gestaltung und Änderung der Arbeitsplätze und der Arbeitsorganisation
- Festlegung der Arbeitsinhalte und des Arbeitsumfanges
- Änderung von Tätigkeitsbeschreibungen
- Arbeitszeitregelungen
- Aufstellung von Urlaubsplänen (Festsetzung der zeitlichen Lage des Erholungsurlaubs, wenn zwischen den Beteiligten kein Einverständnis erzielt wird)
- Maßnahmen zur Verhütung von Dienst- und Arbeitsunfällen, Berufskrankheiten und sonstigen Gesundheitsschädigungen
Request for further training
Every employee has the right to request further training if necessary. If you have concrete ideas for further training, please contact your direct supervisor.
direct supervisor. In consultation with the human resources department, you can then apply for the appropriate training.
There is also the option of providing further training for certain groups as required. If you have any questions on this subject, please contact the Staff Council.
Taking educational leave
What is recognized as educational leave? How do I apply for it?
The Staff Council will be happy to provide information on this as well.
If you have any questions about the possibility of being promoted, please contact the Staff Council.
Questions about compatibility and parental leave
The Staff Council will be happy to advise you on any questions you may have on the subject of compatibility and parental leave.
Overload notification
The overload notification indicates to the employer or supervisor that, despite the greatest care in the work, there is a risk that the work tasks can no longer be performed properly. At the same time, unacceptable working conditions are pointed out. Therefore, overload notifications are also discharge notifications for employees. The employer has the opportunity to remedy the organizational deficiencies. To submit an application, send an e-mail to ed.ellah-grub@rp.
Da wir die Personalratsarbeit neben unserer eigentlichen Tätigkeit hier im Hause machen, gibt es keine festgesetzten Sprechzeiten. Sie können uns aber jederzeit an unseren persönlichen Arbeitsplätzen aufsuchen oder uns per Email kontaktieren ed.ellah-grub@rp. Wir werden alle Ihre Anfragen und Nachrichten schnellst möglichst beantworten.